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‘AI & I’ Korean-English Translation Service

AI + Human Expertise: The Ultimate Translation Solution

Translating between Korean and English is no longer a challenge. In the past, translating just a few pages of documents for government agencies or research institutions took days and cost hundreds of dollars. Now, AI technology enables a dramatic increase in translation speed.

However, speed alone does not guarantee quality. While AI translation is excellent for generating drafts quickly, human review and refinement are essential to ensure accurate meaning and natural expression.

We combine AI efficiency with meticulous human editing to deliver high-quality translations that preserve the nuances and intent of the original text.


📚 Published Books (Korean Publications)

✍️ Luxury Brand Management (명품경영학) – The essence of premium brand strategy and management
✍️ Reconstructing Knowledge (지식의 재구성) – How to effectively utilize knowledge in an era of information overload
✍️ Business School (비즈니스 스쿨) – Key business concepts you can learn from an MBA
✍️ Economics in Everyday Life (경제학, 현실에 말을 걸다) – Connecting economic principles to real-life scenarios
✍️ The Laws of Competition (경쟁의 법칙) – The ultimate guide to winning in competitive markets
✍️ Digest Bible in English (영어로 배우는 다이제스트 성경) – Learning English and biblical wisdom through scripture